Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Colorful, fun, loads of detail and layers, It is just a happy bead, like a day out at the Circus, where Clowns are dressed in bright coloured costums with polka dots and ruffles, and making you smile:))


Ellen said...

Clowns. Tightrope walkers. Ladies on horseback. Dogs jumping through hoops and a guy wearing a top hat and holding a whip in the center of it all.
That's what I'm seeing.

jevebo-art said...

Liebe Astrid

Die Perle ist wunderschön. Man kann sich kaum satt sehen. Es gibt immer mal wieder etwas zu entdecken. Traumhaft!!

Liebe Grüsse


Astrid Riedel said...

Wonderful Ellen, you are in the spirit of things:)

Danke, Jeanine, es freut
Mich das es dir gefaelt :)
