Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Switzerland and Venice!

I am so thrilled that I had the opportunity to be in these special places!
We had quite a medley of nationalities in Venice, all around one table how fantastic was that!
We had ladies from, Norway, Russia, England, Ireland, USA and Canada!
I had the amazing opportunity to watch Corina Tettinger, Melanie Moertel and Christina Sfriso and with each of them one picks up interesting techniques. I think it is a rarity to be in one studio at the same time with 4 teachers, I think we had a great time together.
The workshops were held at Abatte Zanetti glass school and I was fortunate to get an opportunity to blow a bit of glass in the hot shop :)

Now back to reality, I am back in my studio today and had some fun at the torch, trying to find a way to incorporate the hollow bead techniques into a lentil shape bead... lets see what will come of it...


Ellen said...

Ahhhhh, I feel so much better. Now, STAY HOME FOR A WHILE, EH?
A hollow lentil???????????? What will you think of next?
I'm looking forward to the pics. If anyone can pull it off - you can.

Astrid Riedel said...

Hi Ellen , I will be home till mid next year, if nothing comes in between .so plenty time to make beads :-)

Carmen Isaacs said...

Glad you are home safe and sound and that you had a good trip.

Astrid Riedel said...

Thanks Carmen, I did have a fantastic trip, and now I am looking forward to sit at my own beach again :)

Love Astrid