Monday, February 27, 2012

Getting in the mood....

Not long anymore and I will be in Chicago, I am excited to get there:)
After making hollow beads the whole month I have to concentrate on the techniques I will be demonstrating soon!

So here are some to wet the appetite...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Colour your Friday!

Last night my son had night school! The headmaster came up with this idea to have a night school once a month on Thursdays from 4pm until 8.30pm and the kids have the Friday off! For us that is nicce as my HB works from home and we can have a long weekend:) So we will go and have some fun today!

I have a Hollow bead,-I say this each time- I think it is not so obvious at first glance and I think it adds a touch of specialness ;)

I will need to set them aside for a while and concentrate on the beads I want to teach soon!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Off Centre!

This bead ended up something quite different from what was intended!
But  here it is and actually quite a fun shape with an off set hole. I photographed it upside down seeing as everything went wrong with it, so why not! LOL
Coming to think of it the month of Feb has been a totally hollow bead month!
Flat and slightly hollow!

Monday, February 20, 2012

A little Thrill...Frill !

I am hooked on getting really 3D into the beads, this one has plenty of that :)

Simply dotty!

Wondering whether I should add some sandblasted dots to the bead.....Hollow!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Out the box series...

Alright moving on, another bead for Monday Morning... :)
Hollow bead!


Sunday evening and another weekend comes to an end. I had some time to make beads today and they are in the kiln. It is always exciting to get the beads out of the kiln late in the evening, and everyone in the house laughs at me that I can just look at my beads over and over LOL Are you like that too, each bead is my new favourite for a day, and some get chucked in the box of rejects... poor things.

Hollow bead!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lightness of being!

Is it there or is it not... whisps of colours floating like the light on the air...
Hollow bead!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Double Vision

Take a close look, yes even closer....oops not too close! do you see a raised frilly edge?
The camera is a bit tricky, the naked eye sees all the depth so much better...

Hollow bead!